Case studies
SoHostel – Dean Street, London W1
SoHostel is an exciting backbacker hostel on Dean Street in Soho. The property is owned and managed by One Housing, a large not-for-profit organisation that houses and cares for thousands of people…
Stoneythorpe Village & HS2
A ground breaking ‘future village’, utilising a central IT hub and driverless cars, was proposed for a site at Lower Farm in Stoneythorpe, Southam. With HS2 running through the site it was necessary…
Having overseen the redevelopment of a brownfield site to accommodate housing and transformed the existing site with modern offices and factory/museum, Mayer Brown is now working with the client to…
Air Quality Assessment, Horton Heath
In 2014 the Drew Smith Group engaged Mayer Brown to undertake an Air Quality assessment of the potential impacts associated with a 950 dwelling scheme being proposed to the west of Horton Heath in…
CEMP Waterlooville
The Berewood development to the West of Waterlooville is a 298 hectare site which has been split in to around 13 development parcels.
Erskine Barracks, Wilton Hill
Erskine Barracks in Wilton, Salisbury had for many years been the headquarters of the UK Land Forces. In 2010, the headquarters moved to Andover and for five years the 34 acre site lay derelict.
3D laser scanned measured building and elevation survey
Mayer Brown was commissioned by Grainger PLC, to carry out a measured building and elevation survey of McGrigor Barracks, Aldershot.
Setting out-Mass Concrete Foundations and Bolt Groups
A medium size construction company on the Isle of Wight were tasked with the development of 10 semi-detached properties and a large block of flats incorporating mass concrete foundations to support…
Survey for Hydrological Study of The River Yar - IOW
Hydrological study to help inform a solution to flooding management in an area of outstanding natural beauty and scientific interest.
Beaulieu Park, Essex Regiment Way, Chelmsford, Essex
Mayer Brown has been working for Countryside Zest (Beaulieu Park) LLP in relation to their project at Beaulieu Park, Chelmsford, Essex.
Beaulieu Park, White Hart Lane, Chelmsford, Essex
Mayer Brown has been working with Countryside Zest (Beaulieu Park) LLP to provide highways and transportation services in relation to the initial phase of enabling works for the Beaulieu Park…
Epsom Station
Mayer Brown was appointed by Solum Regeneration, a joint venture between Network Rail and Kier Property, to act as Transport Advisors.