A requirement of this legislation is the establishment of a National Waste Management Plan for England which was published in December 2013. Numerous drivers within this plan require local councils to implement methods and strategies to reduce their waste. As a result, a Waste Management Plan or Strategy is now a frequent requirement to accompany planning applications.
One of the targets set out in the WFD is to ensure that by 2020, at least 70% by weight of construction and demolition waste is subjected to material recovery. Therefore, waste strategies are frequently required to incorporate a review of the likely types and quantities of wastes produced at the demolition, construction and operational phases of a development. Often, however demolition and construction waste cannot be quantified until a detailed waste inventory is conducted by the contractor upon appointment.
With regards to operational waste, local authorities vary widely in the guidance available regarding the types and locations of waste facilities which they wish to be incorporated, both inside and outside the development. This often leaves developers and architects unclear on their constraints and obligations.
Mayer Brown typically undertake an exercise in collating the requirements of the particular authority and beginning dialogue with the appropriate waste officer to ensure that from the outset, the concept of waste management is built in to the scheme. Where elements cannot be fixed at the early stage of development, we can negotiate the provision of ‘Outline’ strategies which set out the authority’s requirements and the developers commitment to these.
In this way it is possible to aid the developer in creating efficient waste management processes, which also ensure that the development enables the authority to meet waste targets.
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