In 2014 the Drew Smith Group engaged Mayer Brown to undertake an Air Quality assessment of the potential impacts associated with a 950 dwelling scheme being proposed to the west of Horton Heath in Eastleigh, Hampshire.
Whilst the site itself was not considered to be sensitive in air quality terms, it was the case that a development of this scale had the potential to impact upon an Air Quality Management Area located within Eastleigh as a result of the generated traffic flows. There was also potential for traffic related air quality impacts upon the River Itchen Special Area of Conservation (SAC), which is protected under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations (2010). In addition, the site was located adjacent to a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and surrounded by Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) all of which had the potential to be impacted by either operation traffic or construction dusts.
Therefore, air quality assessments were required which examined the potential health effects upon residents in the locality but which also undertook a detailed study of the potentially affects upon the protected ecology.
In this case, detailed consultation was required with the Environmental Health and Biodiversity Officers of Eastleigh Borough Council as well as the Ecologist for Hampshire and representatives of Natural England. It was then necessary to develop a screening methodology which took into account the specific ecology of the SSSI and SAC and the critical pollutant loads for the species of concern. Once developed, this methodology was agreed with all relevant parties and applied to the development. The final study found that the development on its own, was unlikely to impact upon the protected ecology.
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