Station Lane Milford Project - Residential Development
Case study

Station Lane Milford Project - Residential Development

Since early 2018 Mayer Brown has worked upon a greenfield site for development for CALA Homes at Milford in Surrey within Waverley District Council authority area.

Transport Planning
Infrastructure Design
Environmental Assessment


Flood Risk & Drainage Planning and River Modelling

Our initial involvement was for provision of planning reports relating to Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy. Our commission subsequently extended into verification of river modelling, requested by the Environment Agency, and then to addressing the reserved matters planning conditions.

The site is located at a former golf club site which benefited from a housing allocation within the Adopted Waverly Local Plan. The development proposed and subsequently approved is for up to 200 new dwelling houses including access, Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANG) provision and associated infrastructure.

The Flood Risk Challenge for Residential Developments

The key challenge was to support a development that would maximise the potential of the site whilst addressing and mitigating the risk of flooding from the adjacent River Ock, a tributary of the River Wey.

How our Services Were Put to Use for the Station Lane, Milford Residential Development

We verified river modelling undertaken to confirm safe finished floor levels for the development. These were set with 600mm freeboard above the 1 in 100-year return period event flood level with a 35% increase in peak river flow to account for climate change effects.

We produced a preliminary civil engineering levels and drainage design to address the reserved matters, satisfy the planning authority’s SuDS Hierarchy and comply with the national Non-Statutory Technical Standards for SuDS and the NPPF. SuDS designed for the site included filter trenches, permeable paving and attenuation tanks.

An agreement was reached with Natural England to provide boardwalks within the floodplain area to

A Successful Result

Outline planning permission was granted by Waverley Borough Council in February 2019 and the Reserved Matters application was submitted in July 2019. The EA confirmed in September 2019 that all flood risk and drainage concerns have now been addressed.

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Milford map with colour

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