Brookfield Riverside - New Town Centre Development
Case study

Brookfield Riverside - New Town Centre Development

Since 2019, we have been appointed by Sovereign Peveril Brookfield Limited to provide transport planning and design consultancy services for a new town centre development project known as Brookfield Riverside, located near Broxbourne and Cheshunt in Hertfordshire. The proposals form part of the wider Brookfield masterplan, at Cheshunt, Hertfordshire.

The new town centre will be a major mixed use sustainable destination with retail, leisure, hotel, civic, workspace and food and beverage uses, together with assisted living, mixed residential and parking for 2,000 vehicles. The adjacent Brookfield Garden Village has 1,250 new homes, a primary school, neighbourhood centre and other council facilities that are needed in the area.

The proposals are supported by a package of new transport infrastructure and sustainable transport initiatives including an area wide network of cycle and pedestrian active travel routes and new and improved bus services.

Transport Planning
Infrastructure Design
Environmental Assessment


Assistance from Pre-Application to Submission of the Planning Application

We have closely assisted the project team, from the initial pre-application discussions with Broxbourne Borough Council and Hertfordshire County Council, to the submission of the planning application, working closely with the Council’s own highways consultants. We provided services on a wide variety of highways and transportation matters including network capacity modelling, highways layout design, access arrangements, servicing requirements and parking provision. This included attending numerous public exhibitions and webinars.

To support the planning application we have prepared multiple reports including the Transport Assessment, Framework Travel Plans and various Technical Reports setting out the results of the extensive strategic and detailed local junction modelling work undertaken for the project.

Maximising and Encouraging Site Accessibility by Active Travel Modes

The Broxbourne Transport Strategy sets out Broxbourne’s identified hierarchy of transport infrastructure and service provision.  This places a heavy emphasis on reducing travel demand and encouraging active travel.

A key challenge was therefore to create a scheme that maximises and encourages the accessibility of the site by active travel modes. This was achieved by amending the preferred transport option set out in the Broxbourne Borough Council Local Plan to provide an alternative, but local plan compliant, highways infrastructure arrangement that provided a traffic-free town centre environment and the retention of important local road connections, encouraging vehicular traffic to access the site from the A10 rather than local residential streets.

The sustainability of the site is also enhanced by the provision of a traffic-free pedestrianised retail and leisure environment bridging over Halfhide Lane to create a continuous pedestrian realm linking to the existing facilities and local residential areas.

Ensuring Excellent Connectivity Between Two Sites

The proposals have also been designed to seamlessly link with the adjacent Brookfield Garden Village. Therefore, one of the key challenges of this project was to ensure we worked closely with the Council’s transport consultants on that project to ensure the proposed highways arrangements allowed excellent connectivity between the two sites. We worked together to ensure that the combined impact of both the Riverside and Garden Village developments were assessed in the strategic and local junction models prepared for both applications. This was achieved by developing a close and ongoing working relationship throughout the pre-application and application stages, including a close collaboration on the junction modelling undertaken to support both applications.

Current Status of the Project

The planning application documents have recently been submitted to Broxbourne Borough Council.

Our team of experts are on hand to assist you with your Transport Planning and Infrastructure Design projects. Call us on 01483 750508 or use our online form to discuss your requirements.

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